The True Meaning of Self-Care: Beyond Commodities to Daily Choices

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When Christine and I first began discussing the idea of hosting a self care summit, we wanted to create a space where people could truly identify their core identity and nurture it, giving them the tools and space to do so. While a “nice to have,” self care isn’t necessarily stocking up on $120 leggings and $15 chai lattes. Self care manifests by taking actions each moment, each day that honor and respect the Self.

Brought to the basics, they include:

  • Getting enough sleep
  • Drinking water
  • Setting boundaries
  • Focusing on breathing

Don’t get me wrong: splurging on oneself is a treat, and owning well-made clothing is a form of respecting our bodies. However, somewhere along the buzzword highway, the concept of self care became commoditized. Lifestyle bloggers, self-help gurus and other influencers began to cash in on the concept of what self care is and can be.

Way back when I barely had two pennies to rub together, my capacity to practice self care became an investment in myself that made subsequent abundance possible. …And those actions usually cost zero dollars.

  • Going to bed at a decent hour
  • Tuning into my own voice
  • Telling people no when necessary
  • Recognizing self-defeating behaviors and changing them

Self care, when boiled to its essentials, is a moment-by-moment practice whereby you run a cost-benefit analysis of any action you are considering taking. At each juncture, any time you choose the option that fuels you or builds you up, you are practicing self care.

The more you choose the healthier option, the easier it becomes and the stronger you’ll get.

Thank you for being at the FutureU Self Care Summit — I look forward to meeting you soon!

By Published On: November 1st, 2019Categories: NewsComments Off on The True Meaning of Self-Care: Beyond Commodities to Daily Choices

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